Visage is out now for PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and is planned to release on PS5 sometime in November 2021. On PC, hold down the corresponding mouse button. To light a candle, look at one with the lighter equipped in either hand, then hold down either RB/R1 or LB/L1 on consoles, whichever prompt appears when looking at the candle. Players should light a candle if they are looking to do this. Using a lighter can provide a light to see all those recent Xbox Series X enhancements in Visagebetter, but it won't heal the Sanity Meter. PC players would hold down the right mouse button in this case. Protected by heavy armor and his powers of intimidation, the Warrior wades into the thick of the fight and. Driving at their enemies with strong, crushing blows, the Warrior quickly beats his foes into submission or death. So if the lighter is on the right hand, players should hold down RB/R1 on consoles to provide light. Star Wars: The Old Republic, Sith Warrior opening crawl: A Sith Warriors skills with a lightsaber are unrivaled. To use the lighter on its own, hold down the corresponding button it is equipped in. Console players can do this by pressing either LT/L2 or RT/R2, while PC players should click the left or right mouse button. Lighters are stored in the Dynamic Items, so bring up the inventory menu and 'Store' the lighter on a free hand.
To use a lighter in Visage, players must first have it held in one of their hands.